Science meets Business Strategy
CV Dr. rer. nat Ursula Kramer, MBA

  • State examination in pharmacy, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg
  • Doctorate at the chair of Prof. Dr. H. P. T. Ammon, Eberhard Karl University, Tübingen. Pharmacology for natural scientists, scholarship holder of the Baden-Württemberg State Graduate Funding Program
  • Executive MBA WHU School of Management, Vallendar, and Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Chicago. Master Thesis: Patient Coach - a new Service providing value for chronic pain patients, physicians and Life Science Industry.
  • Life science industry: leading positions in public relations and marketing at companies including Wörwag Pharma, Mundipharma, Sanofi Pasteur MSD
  • Since 2003 CEO of sanawork Health Communication, Freiburg
  • since 2011 HealthOn - development and establishment of the largest information platform for health apps in Germany and Europe, shaping the digital transformation of the healthcare system - patient-oriented, quality-assured
  • 02/2016 President of the Healthon association, Freiburg
  • since 05/2016 German Network for Healthcare Research e. V. Deputy spokesperson of the Digital Health working group
  • since 2/2018 Partner in the Healthcare Shapers network
  • since 11/2018 HealthOn Academy: webinars, lectures, workshops on digital health topics: quality of health and medical apps, strengthening consumer protection and media literacy as a key to promoting health literacy, AI and ML in diagnosis and therapy
  • since 2/2021. management board Healthcare Shapers. The Healthcare Shapers are an international network of independent consultants, service providers, experts and decision-makers with extensive and in-depth experience in the healthcare industry. They bring experts together to jointly find new solutions and pragmatic ways to bring about change in the healthcare industry.
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