About us

Get to know us and the way how we develop holistic answers and solutions to our customers' challenges. We have many "faces":

Healthcare Experts | Digital Health Pioneers| Healthcare Shapers | Data Utilizer | Innovation Boosters | Prevention Facilitators | Ressources Guardian | Patients Advocats | Dividend Hunters

Healthcare Experts

We are knowing the healthcare market very well

  • many years leadership functions in Pharma Marketing
  • 20 years experience in consulting Pharma & MedTech industries
  • since 2003 sanawork offers consulting services in business strategy, medical education and communications for Pharma- & Life Science Industries in order to drive business of ethical drugs and vaccines

Digital Health Pioneers

We know how to drive Digital Health

  • More than 10 years experience with digital health applications in the fields of life style, prevention and therapy since founding Healthon in 2011 - the quality assessing platform for digital health applications offered for German-speaking people
  • More than 10.000 Health and Medical Apps have been tested by our team in order to set up benchmarks and market researches on quality and transparency of Health and Medical Apps for different patient groups and therapeutic areas. Our work is focussing on forstering digitale innovation in healthcare, on improving overall digital health literacy and patient centricity. Our customers are decision makers and leaders in healthcare, Pharma and Medtech companies, Startups and health insurcances - long time before the "age of DiGAs" has begun in 2019 and health apps have become reimbursable by statutory health insurances in Germany.  
  • Many consulting projects supporting DiGA-developing companies
  • Many project management assignments to accompany customers in getting their digital health applications software certified as medical device (Software as Medical Device = SaMD) and bring digital therapies into the DiGA depositry to gain reimbursement by statutory health insurances.

Healthcare Shapers

We are shaping future of healthcare

Data Utilizer

Sharing Health Data helps better caring patients... So to assess data along the whole patient journey with a broad variety of access points including real world data (RWD), that are generated with wearables, apps and sensors, is key to analyse processes and patients outcomes. These insights will help to make better decisions in order to improve quality and efficiency of prevention and care concepts. Spend money to generate real value and focus on pay per performance, avoid waste of ressources and time whenever possible that is what drives our ambition - bring value-based healthcare (VBHC) to life!

Innovation Booster

We are working to speed up innovations to reach patients with digital health applications that are supporting adherence and forster patient empowerment and thus improving patients` lifes. We are helping companies to make their ways on the "DiGA-Fast Track" or other smart ways to access the health care market and get reimbursement by statutory health insurances or find suitable business alliances

Prevention Facilitator

Our work helps to get people at risk identified earlier - with insights revealed on health data reflecting people´s behavior and life style. Health apps, wearables and smart sensors are able to generate these data in the Real world settings - which opens up new chances to switch the healthcare system towards prevention and away from pure curation. It is time to save high health resources expenses for diseases that could have been avoided with individualized prevention concepts.  Act early on and change sendentary life style and unhealthy eating habits - that is the real potential of digital health, that we are going to unleash with our contribution.

Ressources Guardians

We are bringing evaluation of digital interventions to a new level with an holistic and evidenced-based approach implementing the needs and perspectives of all stakeholders involved in the journey and speeding up the study protocols by better use of digital biomarkers and new evaluation frameworks. This is the way, we are generating value and boostering acceptance for digital health interventions as essential bricks in patient-centric and data-driven healthcare. Acceptance and adoption are preconditions to get products reimbursed with fair prices based on a solid business model. The broad use of digital innovations in prevention, diagnosis and therapy will open up the chance to switch our modern healthcare systems towards value-based Healthcare (VBHC) and personalized medicine and invest financial ressources and workforces better than ever before.

Patients Advocats

We enable people to better understand how to get access to healthcare ressources and to navigate through the healthcare system, as well as how to contribute to stay healthy or get better of in the daily life as patient with chronice disease. The lever is digital health - means we are providing support with digital tools that are improving health literacy and empowering people to become an active partner of health care professionals and to make more informed decisions about  diagnosis and therapy of their own diseases including to make better use of their own health data.

Dividend Hunters

That´s what drives our ambition!

We are acting strategically focussing the longterm perspective in order to maximize the "digital dividends". Winning with digital transformation is for us about investing all our passion, skills and experience. The return on this invest is future high quality healthcare that remains affordable and accessible for everyone and leverages medical progress to make people´s life better than ever.

An error occurred

An error occurred

What's the matter?

An error occurred while executing this script. Something does not work properly.

How can I fix the issue?

Open the current log file in the var/logs directory and find the associated error message (usually the last one).

Tell me more, please

The script execution stopped, because something does not work properly. The actual error message is hidden by this notice for security reasons and can be found in the current log file (see above). If you do not understand the error message or do not know how to fix the problem, visit the Contao support page.